Hello and welcome to our page! We're Ramune and Holt1000, Live2D rig artists who have paired up to efficiently work with you! Here you'll find pricing, art progress and completed rigs. Please ensure you read our Terms of Service (ToS) page carefully prior to commissioning us!
For progress and queue information please click here.
Past Vtuber Models
Please feel free to click any of the model icons to preview a showcase! However, not all models have showcases.

Client: Amunedal
Artist: Caitlin Koi
Client: CC
Artist: DollyMochi

Client: Frosti
Artist: Kogamanchan

Client: TrickyKappa
Artist: Unavailable
Client: Kye
Artist: Kuriaji_
Terms of Service
In order to see our pricing, you will need to read through our Terms of Service and agree.
1. Please ensure you fill out our Google Docs form as this will provide us with all necessary information needed to approve/decline the commission. Please note you only need to fill out the required fields, but the more information we have, the better!2. We have the right to refuse commissions, whatever the reason may be. We're not obligated to provide a reason for refusing said commission.3. Art must be separated sufficiently and will be declined if it isn't. We are happy to provide suggestions to the client/artist, however separation must be completed within a reasonable time frame.4. Commissions are not first come first serve, we will be selecting our projects based on what works best with our abilities and skill level.5. We can only provide a price quote once the PSD is complete, an illustration is not sufficient enough. This includes being put on the waitlist. There may be certain circumstances where this is exempt.6. Once a price is agreed upon, this is finalized. However, prices are subject to change after the model has been completed and approved by the client.7. The client has 1 week to reply after receiving a quote in order to proceed with the order. A down payment will be necessary in order to hold your slot in some cases.8. We currently work with Prprlive and VTS, however VTS is only through the PC for us at this time. We are also currently experimenting with Vup. Any other programs will be up to the client to work with.9. Revisions must be made no later than 2 weeks after the client has received the file. The client may request up to 3 sets of revisions within reason. Additional revisions are acceptable with an additional cost.10. Refunds will only be available for down payments. Once rigging starts, there will be no refunds. The only circumstance in which there may be a refund is if we are unable to complete the work. Please understand.11. All rights of the rigging commission will be credited to RamuneLive or Holt1000 for any work done. Please credit us wherever you may use our product in your content, such as Youtube, Twitch, Twitter and/or other web and media platforms. Our handles are: @RamuneLive @Holtonek. However, if this is solo work, please only credit the one rig artist.12. Please provide any deadlines prior to payment. This is to ensure that we can deliver the product within a reasonable time frame.13. All references and materials given are confidential and will not be used or shared anywhere else. These will only be used to bring your model to life in Live2D.14. Character IP's are still owned by the client. We only own the rights to the rigging portion of the model.15. Clients are encouraged to inform and update us on the status of their model's illustration. Please confirm whether we're allowed to show your model's work in progress publicly or to be kept confidential, this is based on client preference. It is our responsibility to ensure the confidentially of said model without revealing anything.16. When the commission has been completed, you will receive the runtime files necessary for model use.17. We have the right to stream progress and Live2D work but only with the clients permission.18. Ramune does not work on NSFW at all, no exceptions. If you are looking for NSFW, work will be passed onto Holt by default.19. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for any toxicity. We understand patience while moving up in the queue might run slim, but any verbal abuse or otherwise will result in termination of the commission.20. By commissioning us, you agree to these terms and conditions.
Half Body Rig ($200 USD+):
- Slight XYZ Head Movement
- Blinking/XY Eye Movement
- Eyebrow Movement Y
- Mouth Open/Closed
- Breathing/Simple Hair Physics
- Torso Body Z
- 2 Simple Toggles
Full Body Rig ($300 USD+):
- Slight XYZ Movement
- Blinking/XY Eye Movement
- Eyebrow Movement Y
- Mouth Open/Closed
- Breathing/Simple Hair Physics
- Body Z
- 2 Simple Toggles
*Please note, expressions, toggles, and idle animations may have an additional cost
Half Body Rig ($400 USD+):
- Complete XYZ Head Movement
- Blinking/XY Eye Movement
- Eyebrow Movement Y, Iris Change
- Mouth open/closed, phonemes
- Breathing, Advanced Hair Physics, Accessories, Clothing
- Torso YZ
- 3 Simple Toggles, 2 Complex Toggles
Full Body Rig ($500 USD+):
- Complete XYZ Head Movement
- Blinking/XY Eye Movement
- Eyebrow Movement Y, Iris Change
- Mouth open/closed, phonemes
- Breathing, Advanced Hair Physics, Accessories, Clothing
- Body YZ
- 3 Simple Toggles, 2 Complex Toggles
*Please note, expressions, toggles, and idle animations may have an additional cost
Half Body Rig ($600 USD+):
- Complete XYZ Head Movement
- Blinking/XY Eye Movement, Squash/Stretch, Physics
- Eyebrow Movement Y, Iris Change, Squash/Stretch
- Mouth open/closed, phonemes, expressive
- Breathing, Advanced Hair Physics, Accessories, Clothing, Tail/Ears, Boingboing
- Torso XZ, Y or Lean
- 5 Simple Toggles, 4 Complex Toggles
- Optional: Animation (Idle, emote etc.)
Full Body Rig ($700 USD+):
- Complete XYZ Head Movement
- Blinking/XY Eye Movement, Squash/Stretch, Physics
- Eyebrow Movement Y, Iris Change, Squash/Stretch
- Mouth open/closed, phonemes, expressive
- Breathing, Advanced Hair Physics, Accessories, Clothing, Tail/Ears, Boingboing
- Body XZ, Y or Lean
- 5 Simple Toggles, 4 Complex Toggles
- Optional: Animation (Idle, emote etc.)
*Please note, expressions, toggles, and idle animations may have an additional cost
Model Additions:
- Animation: $200+ USD
- Expression (1): $15 USD
- Expression Package (3): $40 USD
- Outfit: $150+ USD
- Model Update: $150+ USDWe are able to do revisions to your art as well. Typed notes will cost $15 USD per hour and art separation itself will cost $30 USD per hour. This will reflect on your invoice when we send it to you after the art approval stage.
Price dependent on style/length/complexity
- Animation can be anywhere from 2-20 sec.
- Animation will only be SFW
- Ideally simple/cute chibi style but willing to work with more complex art
- Client will receive a mp4/mov format of the completed animation to use
Model Prep:
Please remember, the more separation, the better! We can easily combine if needed, but the more separation means the more we can do with the model. This is especially the case with eye separation.All Twitter posts shown are owned by the OP rightfully. We are only using this for educational purposes to show artists separation reference.
Program Info:
Currently our most recommended program unless you own an iPhone. Prprlive offers extensive movement, with a lean feature (used for our premium models) with phenomenal face tracking. From our experience, the lipsync works best in Prpr, and it has a straight-forward UI. Please note if you decide to go with Prprlive, you will need to make a one time purchase for GameAnimoji in order to optimize your model.
VTube Studio:
Currently the most popular 2D Vtuber program, as it can be accessed either through your phone or PC. The PC version works quite well, seeing as it captures from just a webcam, but if you decide to go with this option, please consider using the iPhone version as the infrared camera will help capture movement much more smoothly. The UI is a bit more complex, but still straight-forward. Like Prprlive, there will be a one time purchase in order to remove the watermark. The huge benefits of VTS are playing Idle animations, attaching accessories/assets, and more fluid movement over your model.
We are still new to this program, however it seems to offer a lot of potential. This program offers both 2D and 3D opportunity, with a very simple interface. While it isn't our recommended program, we do suggest giving it a go to see how it functions. It seems this was only recently released, but it definitely has the potential to be up there with the other programs.
Model Setup:
VTube Studio PC Version:
1. Click the first tab on the left, click import model, and please paste the whole folder provided to you in the location VTS provides you. Open the model file, it will ask to do an auto-setup, please select for iPhone/Webcam.2. Click the cog, the up top click the camera. Click "Camera ON" and please ensure you move around for a few seconds, blinking, mouth movement, head turning etc. I personally add the "link eye blinking" in tracking settings, but it isn't necessary.3. Next, we need to delete 1 parameter. Click the silhouette with the cog, and scroll down. Near the bottom, there will be a "blush when smiling" param, please delete this. Scroll up top and add idle animations as necessary (not all models have one, so please skip this if not). For movement Config, please set XYZ to 2/2/2. You can also add an optional wind strength to your physics for a natural flowing in the wind effect. You may need to adjust some movement settings in the params to your necessary preference.4. Toggles - click the movie clacker up top, ensure "use keyboard hotkeys" is on, and hit the big +. Click Hotkey Action, select set/unset expression, and select the necessary hotkey. Click Key 1 and assign the necessary key. Naming the Hotkey setting is optional up top and you can turn it on and off beside the name.5. Have fun with your rig!
1. Load Model by clicking the top left tab. Select the file. Your model should appear on screen.2. Click the fourth tab on the left. Turn on your camera (by default, it will show your camera in the right bottom corner, you can turn it off by clicking "show camera"). Please ensure you have the Game Animoji DLC installed as the "in game capture" doesn't work ideally. To confirm you're using Game animoji, up top it will say either "in game capture" or "Game Animoji".3. Move around a bit, and see how you like the movement. You can change how snappy/flowy things are by clicking advanced configuration and adjusting the "smooth" slider. Far left will make it snappy, far right will make it slow and smooth. The Min/Max bars will be your maximum movement restrictions, if you want them to happen with less IRL movement, please pull them closer together.4. Toggles - Click the second tab on the left hand side, hit the plus at the bottom and then we can set up a toggle. Please select the animation you would like to use, select the key you would like to assign it to, and please ensure you have "Global Key" turned on so it will work even when you're not directly in the Prprlive window.5. Have fun with your new rig!
Recommended Artists:
If you're looking for phenomenal Live2D artists to create your character concepts look no further!
1. Are you open for commissions?
Please check Ramune's or Holt's Twitter profile, we post whether we are open for commissions, the waitlist is open, or we are closed on our name. You can check our progress and queue here.
2. What are the differences between half and full body models?
Half body will be worked on from the torso up, with minimal arm movement and zero movement from the waist down. Full body will included all movement. This includes physics.
3. I need help! My model is moving weird, what do I do?
Feel free to reach out to Holt or Ramune on Twitter, and we will reply when we are next available. Please include a video and short description of what is going wrong, and we will do our best to work with you to troubleshoot.
4. How long does a commission take?
While we typically don't provide lead times, you are more than welcome to check our progress here. In nearly all circumstances, a model shouldn't take more than 1 month. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about your model progress though, as we are happy to answer! In addition, please note we work in batches, and rotate working on models to ensure we provide top quality results.
5. I see Prprlive, VTS and Vup, but where is FaceRig?
As of right now, we do not work with Facerig. You are more than welcome to experiment with it and we can do our best to help, however we have no experience in it.